
Below are services and tools (including datasets and code) offered by the lab. Please reach out to sharathg at if you’re interested in learning more about our services. Researchers may download datasets and code from the links below.


Collecting Social Media Data + Surveys

Social media data from a variety of sources (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Google search history, and Reddit) is collected and analyzed along with survey data.

Digital Phenotyping Using Mobile Sensors

Cell phone data collection services for digital phenotyping and personal sensing research projects using the open-source AWARE framework.


Twitter estimates of county-level mental health during COVID-19

Mental health metrics and number of symptom mentions on Twitter are measured daily using pre-trained machine learning models applied to a random 1% Twitter data.

Language of ADHD in adults on social media

Twitter data of users with self-disclosed ADHD/ADD.

What Twitter profile and posted images reveal about depression and anxiety

Domain-related dataset with self-reported age and gender, and text-predicted depression and anxiety scores for users.

Studying Personality through the Content of Posted and Liked Images on Twitter

This data set contains Twitter user ids with their text-predicted Big-Five personality scores.

CP-QAE-I Influence of Personality and Culture on Perception of Quality, Affect and Enjoyment

This dataset enables research in exploration of the influence of personality (Five-Factor Model) and cultural traits (Hofstede Model) on multimedia-evoked positive and negative affects, perceived quality and enjoyment.

Weekly COVID-19 Twitter Topics

A set of 40 covid-related topics (per week) derived from Twitter starting on March 12, 2020.



Ongoing list of useful lexica in Computational Social Science

Script for downloading users' photos (tagged as favorite) along with profile information.

Downloads public photos (tagged favorite) of Flickr users, whose usenames are given in a text document